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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Where would we be without technology? Its hard to imagine what I did before I owned an iphone. I was one of the late comers too, yet I can't imagine my life without it. Could I live without it? Sure, but man is it convenient and helpful. I can check/send email, text or call, update my blog, stalk other people's blogs, check fb and twitter, play games, get directions and so much more... all from one small device that fits so nicely in my purse or my back pocket. And this is just my phone.

Its crazy to think how far technology has come just since I've been alive. I mean I remember having a home computer with a green screen and I thought I was cool stuff. Now a days there are lap tops, ipads, and even cooler things like skype as well. Skype may be one of my favorite inventions. It allows you to talk to people... not only listen to them, but see them while they're talking as if you were simply sitting across from one another... even if they're on the other side of the world. Today, for many reasons, I am very thankful for technology. I am thankful for all the brainiacs that probably got made fun of in school but now are bazillionaires because of their genius inventions.

So thank you smart kids (and God) for the wonderful technological tools that I own. I am lazier and happier thanks to you, but oh so appreciative!

Trust me there's a story! Several actually... I'll explain soon.

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