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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

One in a Million

Our ladies bible study started last night. (Enter a happy sigh here) I love our women's bible studies. God's word opened, a talented speaker in front of me and a good cup of warm decaf coffee in my hand... yes please. 

We are doing Priscilla Shirer's One in a Million. I actually did this with a small group of women a few summers ago, but was still thrilled to hear our women's ministry as a whole was going to be going through it. And I couldn't wait to do it again.

Here's a glimpse of what we were challenged with last night. (paraphrased by me)

Our God is a God of abundance. God doesn't desire us to merely live but he came so that we could live abundantly.

But, are we?

What is holding us back from living the abundant life God has called us to? A couple of years ago, I did Beth Moore's breaking free bible study. I know I shared on here then that I really didn't think I needed that study since I wasn't addicted to anything. Yea, jokes on me right.

Bondage is anything that holds us back from living the life that Christ has called us to. Not just a drug or alcohol addiction.

Priscilla told us the story of a circus elephant tied to a stake in the ground. It seems so silly that this giant beast doesn't break free from this simple chain of bondage yet he doesn't know any better.

Sorry friends, we are not that elephant. We know better.

Because we have surrendered our lives to Christ, we may be free from the person of satan but we may still be living in the places of him. Are you? Is there something that you realize is hindering your walk with Christ? TV show, music, movies, friends, other relationships?

Scripture tells us to “rid ourselves of every hindrance.”

The rubber meets the road here: will we stay put on our comfortable little church pews looking the part of the perfect Christian and saying all the right things yet stuck in our comfortable little worlds or will we be bold and make a move that will revolutionize our walks with Christ?

We can say the right things all day. We can even look the part, but what would happen if we really experienced Christ?

“You can’t do what you’ve always done and expect different results.”

Its time ladies to get off the pews.

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