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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

2 for 2

At the beginning of the week, we began seeing something all too familiar... spewing. It was Jude this time. We thought it was a fluke, but he did it the next 2 days as well. He did not spew after every feeding but to go from never doing this to doing it 3 days in a row, we knew something was up because this was exactly how Luke's P.S. (pyloric stenosis) started as well.

Our dr. did not even need to see us. He just sent us straight to Baptist for an ultrasound.

The ultrasound tech thought everything looked great so she showed the radiologist the images as we began to pack up Jude to go home. We were relieved it was not the same thing. As we were preparing to leave, the tech came back in our room and said the radiologist does in fact think Jude has P.S. 

We were confused. 

She had just told us he was fine and yet the radiologist is telling us other wise. While talking to the tech, our dr.'s office calls with the results and advises us to go to LeBonheur for a more detailed ultrasound. Come to find out the reason the radiologist thought he most likely had P.S. was because after measuring the pylorus muscle it was borderline positive. This most likely meant that he had the beginning stages. It was so borderline the radiologist at Lebonheur came in and did the ultrasound himself because one minute the pylorus would allow liquids through and then the next it would not. It was not definitive like Luke's was. After getting good measurements and pictures, the radiologist spoke with the surgeon and they agreed Jude was in the early stages of P.S. His condition would only get worse so surgery was our answer. He was such a trooper.

After being at Lebonheur for 8 hours, we were finally given a room to spend the night. Surgery would be the next morning. We were told that they had a lot of surgeries scheduled so it could be mid day before they got to him. Thankfully, he ended up getting scheduled first so at 6:30a.m. Saturday morning, the surgery team came and spoke to us about what to expect and soon we found ourselves once again in pre-op with one of our babies. I wouldn't say it was easy this time but it was easier. I knew what to expact. I knew the surgery was short. I knew I'd get to see him soon. I knew he was in good hands. Still when they wheeled him away I cried. Not sobs, but still tears that my baby was going to surgery. We rounded the corner to get on the elevator to go back to our room. All of a sudden the elevator doors opened and there was Dr. Owen, the boys dr.  He was on call that day and making rounds. He gave me a big hug and agreed that surgery is always harder on us as parents than on our sweet babies... He had been there too.

In what seemed like no time at all, we got the call that Jude was doing great and out of surgery. We could go down and see him. And what a relief it was to get my hands on my baby again.

Soon he was released from recovery. They encouraged me to get in his bed and hold him for the ride up which I of course I did not mind one bit. In fact, it was quite fun.

I was fearful that because he was just in the beginning stages of P.S. that he'd be coherent enough to realize he was hungry and unable to eat for the allotted time which would mean he would just cry. Our boy did great though. He was just as sweet as ever.

Here are some pictures documenting our P.S. adventure. Luke is on top and Jude is on the bottom. Poor Luke's p.s. had progressed much further as you can tell. He was pitiful. And then my chubby Jude doesn't even look like he's sick. Again... so thankful we caught it early so he didn't have to go through all of what Luke did.

So we are now 2 for 2 for pyloric stenosis. I tweeted yesterday, "Pyloric Stenosis: 2 Jerkins Boys: 0." Yes, they had P.S. but thankfully its been fixed and so now... 
Jerkins Boys: 2 
Pyloric Stenosis: 0

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