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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

Blog Archive

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Early Mornings

I use to think waking up at 8:00 a.m. was early. Then when I started my big girl, full time job 6 years ago, I thought 6:45 was early. Then when I started running I thought 5:45a.m. was early.

I had no idea.

I have always loved sleep. Well, maybe not in kindergarten because I just remember getting in trouble for talking rather than sleeping... but the rest of my life- sleep and I have been best buds. As I teenager, I could easily sleep until noon. And to this day, I treasure naps.

So when this idea of getting up early to do my quiet time was thrown my way in high school... I laughed. There is no way I could ever wake up early and do that. I couldn't concentrate to even make it worth my time. So for many years I used that excuse and did my qt at night... when I wasn't too tired or another time during the day when I could fit it in. When I became a teacher, I gained free time after lunch due to their nap time, so after I finished up all my planning and preparing, I would do it then. Yet, again making excuses and putting it on the back burner. And still the thought of waking up early to have my qt wasn't even an option.

Most of my life, I have known how important a quiet time with the Lord is to my spiritual growth, but what was I doing to see it through? Trying to squeeze it in when I could? Hoping to not be too tired or too busy? For something that I knew to be so crucial to my walk with the Lord, why was I putting it on the back burner?

Then I became a runner. At first it was a run 2x a week, then 3x. I went from running to get into shape, to running to train for a 5k, to running because it was fun. Here I am now running because I love it. Now we're running 5 days a week and training for a half marathon! Here's the deal though, as my love for running grew so did my desire to do whatever it took to train. I went from running after work and then some on Saturdays to getting up early and running before work. I was willing to sacrifice sleep because I was doing what I love. It was worth it to me to get up before the sun to work hard towards my goal.

About a month ago this reality smacked me upside the head. I was willing to wake up and run at 5:45 to squeeze in 4-5 miles before work when I never would have even considered waking up even 5 minutes earlier than was necessary to have my quiet time with the Lord. How messed up is this?!

I claim to love Christ. I preach to students and peers how important our qt is and how crucial it is to make time for it yet I was not willing to put forth the effort to spend time with the only One worthy of my time and effort.  Running was my priority in the mornings. It was what I was willing to sacrifice things for.

And it had become my God.

Our purpose is to know God and make Him known. Anything we value more than the one true God, can't live without, where we spend more of our time, energy, and money... that thing has replaced the one, true God in our life and ultimately sits on the throne.

So did I quit running? No. I love to run and I truly believe God has given me this passion to use for His glory, but God did show me that I could easily make some simple changes. If I'm going to meet Allie and run at 6:00a.m. Then my alarm goes off at 4:50a.m. so I can spend time with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe first and foremost. I love running, but I love Him more. He is worth the early wake up. He is worth the lack of sleep. The more time I spend with him, the more I love Him. The more my love for Him grows so does my desire to do whatever it takes to draw closer to him. I've gone from trying to squeeze him in when its convenient to starting my day in His word being challenged and encouraged first thing... and what a difference it has made in my life! I am now willing to sacrifice sleep because I am doing what I really love.

I don't say any of this to pat myself on the back because its still hard! I still love sleep. Ask D, I'm ready for bed by 8:00p.m. every night! I say this to encourage you that He is worth it. Coming from someone who thought they never could get up early... trust me, you can and its worth it.

Enough excuses because you will make time for whats really important to you.

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