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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

Blog Archive

Thursday, January 7, 2010


We excitedly awaited last night for our 2-4 inches of snow. All week long we heard "it's coming!" The teachers I work with said our farewells yesterday with, "See ya Monday." Wishful thinking.

Much to our dismay, we awoke this morning to maybe a half inch of snow covering our yards. Don't worry though, some schools had already closed for the rest of the week anticipating the "big snowstorm." Crazy, I know. A lot of schools and daycares did close today due to the apparent blizzard we got... us however....oh yes, you guessed it...we're open. We go with city schools. Shelby county is out today, but we're not. Do I think this is fair? No. Did I throw a mini-tantrum this morning when I realized that I didn't get to crawl back under the covers? Yes.

One of my teachers summed it up perfectly. She walked in this morning and I said, "Good Morning." She looked at me and said, "If you say so."

This was a very disappointing morning for all of us that had to get up and come to school. However regardless of the stinky circumstances...

"This is the day that the Lord has made; I WILL rejoice (even if I don't want to) and be glad in it." Because... with less than half of my kids, we get a fun play day rather than a normal day of school.

P.S. We did go out and play in the snow for a little bit. They loved it. Then we came in and had hot chocolate and cookies. It's been a tough day. :)

And my sweet hubs just surprised me with a gingerbread latte. I think I'll keep him!

1 comment:

  1. well, i wish maggie had gone to school today! she and lily have been fighting up a storm and have decided that this week is like "ignore eveything mom says" week. i am really ready for it to be over. i was looking forward to having mags at school all day today :)
    i wish D had brought me some yummy drink!
