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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

Blog Archive

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I am currently doing the Esther bible study by Beth Moore. It is incredible. The subtitle is It's Tough Being a Woman. In our Tuesday night videos she makes some incredible points. This week's topic was meanness. Some of the highlights: It's tough being a woman in a mean world.

1.) Meanness always has a history.
*What started it? Forgive... Give it to Jesus and get over it.

2.) Meanness perceives a threat.
What are you threatened by? Humble yourself before the Lord- put it to rest.
*Insecurity is at the heart of every rivalry.

3.) Meanness catches like a virus.
*Coming in contact with a mean girl raises up your own mean girl.

4.) Meanness is curable.
*Immerse yourself in God's word and prayer. And surround yourself with people who will encourage you and lift you up.

I don't know about you guys, but I am perfect and never struggle with any of this. Wrong! My prayer is that we would all humble ourselves before the Lord. Realizing that we're not perfect, and ask Him to take away the meanness that so desperately wants to come out (especially that time of the month or when we're stuck in traffic or when people are rude to us etc....) because I don't know about you but I am tired of being a woman in a mean world!


  1. I'm doing the Esther Bible Study at my church and just watched the same exact session in Tuesday morning. I am loving it! I have learned so much already.

  2. Just wait til you get to the lesson on fear!! I'm going through this study with my church too right now but it sounds like we're a lesson or two ahead of you. I've always loved the story of Esther and to hear Beth Moore's insights is so great isn't it?
