Many people had signs pinned on their shirts that said, "I run in memory of..." or "I run in honor of..." I couldn't help but thank the Lord for how he has protected my family and kept us from having to wear "I run in memory of..." shirts. This was such a neat opportunity to be apart of. It contained a lot of fun, fellowship, exercise, and the satisfaction of knowing that I helped contribute to finding a cure for breast cancer.
If you didn't participate this year then I strongly urge you to do so next year. You won't be disappointed!
Our finished product from our shirt decorating party... ok, so we'll teach and not design.
Thousands of people participated... the most ever for Memphis.
Part of our group... Sara ditched us as and ran rather than doing our walk/jog combo.
We survived!
One of the lovely homes that entertained us during the race.
Way to go!