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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sunday started a 4 day revival in our church. I was excited to see how a smaller church handled "revival." John Bramlett, Don Hammons, Jim Collier, Phil Weatherwax, and John Malley are our guest speakers this week. Last night Jim Collier spoke. It was a great message about true worship. We were all created to worship. We are to worship him here on this earth and those of us who have a personal relationship with him will worship him forever in heaven. Many put on a act, yet there are some who truly worship God Almighty. Jim challenged us to be real. If we really understood where we would be without God's grace then we would unashamedly worship the only one who is worthy of our praise... Jesus.

It's been disappointing to see the lack of attendance each night. Some say they desire revival and want to know Him more, yet they sit at home instead of coming and experiencing God's presence and power. This has been a challenge to me. If I truly desire to know the Lord more then I will do whatever it takes to get closer to him.... I will spend time in his word, I will talk to him more frequently, I will whole heartedly attend church services knowing that it isn't a duty but a privilege. So I challenge you today to be real. Don't put on an act. Understand the price that Christ paid for you willingly and begin to truly worship the worthy One!

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