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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

count your blessings

Today in class we were counting our blessings. Well, really each child got an opportunity to tell what they were thankful for.... which in turn allowed them to see that each of them had been very blessed. I heard, " I'm thankful for: mom, dad, Jesus..." all were very typical answers.... until it was T's turn. He was very proud to admit that he was thankful for the toilet. The more I thought about his answer the more I too am thankful that I don't have to squat behind a tree!

1 comment:

  1. go figure. I picked the toilet one to comment. I am thankful for the toilet also. and......for having a job working with children...who, while telling the truth, the don't do it to be mean. They don't know that a furry or fake Mrs. Jerkins isn't a good thing. You go girl! Steph
