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Sinner saved by grace. Wife to a cute preacher. Momma to 2 precious baby boys. Blessed beyond measure. And I deserve none of it.

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Friday, March 12, 2010


I love to read! However, I am at stand still in my reading. I can't find anything I would love to devote time to read. I have read just about every book Karen Kingsbury has written and that makes me sad because she is my favorite!

Karen, I heart you!

I also like Dee Henderson and Terri Blackstock. I like present tense Christian fiction. Have any of you read anything lately that you would recommend? (I'm not into the Twilight stuff so if you have any other suggestions I am all ears!) It's been so nice outside that I'd love to go sit on our back porch swing and read. Please help!


  1. Oooo, let me live vicariously through you. I LOVE to read too but usually only get a 1/2 a page read each night before the eyes won't stay open any longer!

    Have you read any Beverly Lewis? I love all of her series.

  2. I have not. Thanks for the idea!

  3. What about Liz Curtis Higgs? She’s the Author of the "Bad girls of the Bible" series. I'm reading some of her Fictional books now. I just finished Thorn in my Heart and I'm about to start Fair is the Rose. If you like Terri Blackstock you'll like Liz Higgs.

  4. Robin Jones Gunn.. start with the book "Secrets" it's the first in a series. The whole series is great! If you grew up with the Christy Miller Series, you'll see a few of those characters in these books.

    As far as Karen Kingsbury, have your read the Take 1 series? The new one of that series comes out this month.

  5. I loved the Christy Miller series!

    I try to wait until she has completed a series before reading so that way everything is fresh. Otherwise I finish a book and am ready for the next one and have to wait forever.

  6. Robin Jones Gunn also wrote a series about Katie from the Christy Miller series.. Also, I think it's called the Glenbrook series that I was talking about. Just google robin jones gunn to get her website and you can get all the books from that series.. They are great! I'm actually on book 1 of re-reading through the whole series :)

  7. okay, Candace, this isn't exactly fiction, but I think you would really like it. It's called Same Kind of Different as Me, and it is fabulous! I have it if you want to borrow it.

  8. I used to love the Christy Miller series too... and I've been told that Karen Kingsbury is a great author, as well.

    I'm currently reading a book Roo got me, Arabian Nights. It is so interesting. It's a collection of stories. It's really awesome, and for a literary classic, it is fairly easy to read because of how it is broken up.

  9. Have you read any Lori Wick? I love her. Every single book of her's I've read has become a favorite.
